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Is there any side effects of mesolipo injection

Having fat distribution resembling Beyonce’s proportion has possibly come into mind during a certain point in life for many. It is believed to be a sign of good health and a body goal. However, belly fat can be quite difficult to work on for most men and women as it requires both a strict diet and intense workout.

Thanks to technology advancement in the aesthetic beauty field, Mesolipo injection by Mediviron for fat loss is one of the latest alternatives to removing stubborn fat in the skin layers.

How does Mesolipo Injection work?

One of the skin layers is known as the mesodermal layer, comprising of blood vessels, hair follicles, sweat glands and etc. Collagen, which gives the skin its bouncy and stretchy appearance also belongs to this skin layer. This layer is the target area for Mesolipo treatment whereby an injection using thin needles containing Phosphatidylcholine, also known as lecithin or PPC combined with deoxycholate is given 1 to 4 millimeters into your skin (superficial layer).

The PPC will breakdown fat cells into its individual components of three free fatty acids and glycerol which will be absorbed into the blood circulation to be brought to the liver. The process is easy and fairly painful. Basically, it melts away unwanted stubborn fat and flushes it out naturally of the body system in 3 to 4 weeks. It is especially effective for stubborn fats which are not reducing even on diet and exercise.

Which body part can Mesolipo Injection be done?

  • Abdomen
  • Upper arms
  • Thigh
  • Double chin or submental fat
  • Back fats
  • Buttocks (side or lower)
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Preparing for Mesolipo Fat Melting Injection:

  • Medical history inquiries: Currently pregnant and breastfeeding or not? Having any illnesses including autoimmune diseases? Suffering from an infection presently?
  • Make sure patients are clear with the treatment side effects and procedures involved.
  • Consent is documented
  • A special anesthetic cream is applied for approximately 30 minutes before your treatment to ensure maximal comfort. The Meso Lipo treatment itself takes between 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the area of the target.
  • Relatively localized areas of soft fat are selected for injections. Firm and fibrous fat tend not to respond as well.
  • Excessive skin laxity with minimal underlying fat is avoided.
  • After the procedure, patients are back on their feet in no time. Side effects are minor and are resolved after a few days.
  • After the recovery phase, you are allowed to have your subsequent injections.

Side effects of Mesolipo Injections are mostly minor as compared to liposuction and it includes:

  • You may experience slight bruising which will disappear after 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Some redness and swelling at the injection site which will subside after a few days.
  • Immediate or delayed allergic reaction to the injected substance. If you have experienced any allergic reaction towards past injections, please inform your doctor which substance are you allergic to.
  • You may feel soreness and discomfort at the site of injection after the injection. However, it won’t disrupt your daily activities.
  • Skin infections. Please visit a doctor if you experience symptoms of fever, pain, swelling, and pus, especially at the site of injection and are not resolving over time.
  • Skin pigmentation at the injection site which is not very noticeable.
  • Ulceration, scarring, and deformity at the injection site.
  • Inflammation of subcutaneous fat. Please visit a doctor if you notice thickened and firm skin changes, reddened or pigmented overlying skin, pain, tenderness with associated symptoms of fever, malaise and arthralgia are common.
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Before going on this procedure, please make sure to do your research about Mesolipo injection by Mediviron procedure and talk to your doctors and aestheticians. Major side effects will occur only IF your aesthetician and doctors are not recognized by the medical body. Check for certificates and official documents giving them the authority to perform the procedure.