It is a well-known fact that RTOs a.k.a Regional Transport Offices carry out fundamental tasks related to vehicle operations such as vehicle registration and transfer of registration certificate. RTO vehicle registration offices are established in every state of our country. This organization is also responsible for issuing and renewing a driving licence. A driving licence is a key document issued to a person above 18 years of age who wants to drive a vehicle on the roads. In fact, driving without having a valid driving permit is a serious offence and a person is liable to pay a fine if caught driving without a DL. There can be different types of driving licences such as permanent licence, learner licence and commercial licence.
A driving licence can be obtained either through online or offline mode. For offline mode, the nearest RTO office has to be visited along with few documents whereas those applying online can upload the documents on the official website. Once documents are verified and the driving test has been passed, the driving licence is issued to the vehicle owner.
RTO also has the authority to issue a duplicate driving licence in case the original one is lost or stolen. For issuing a duplicate DL, you must submit the application at the same RTO from where you obtained the original driving licence. It is always a good idea to check the details of your local RTO online before visiting in order to have complete information about the procedure. So, let’s suppose a person got the original DL from the RTO office of Chandigarh, then he/she must go through RTO Office details in Chandigarh to have better clarity about everything.
Here are the complete details if you wish to apply online for a duplicate Driving licence:
- Visit the Sarathi website and down the LLD form
- Upload all the documents on the Sarathi website and the other information such as DL number, date of birth, local RTO details etc.
- Pay the required amount as an application fee
- Alternatively, Take the print out and fill the application form
- Take the form and the required documents to the nearest RTO
Once the documents have been verified by the concerned person, a duplicate driving licence is issued to the person. A duplicate driving licence does not require you to pass the driving test again. After the application has been processed, a person will receive the duplicate DL through the post.
In case you are not comfortable applying online, then you can apply offline for which the steps are mentioned below:
- Visit the local RTO and get the LLD form
- Fill in all the details
- Take the application form and other documents to the RTO from where the original DL was issued
- Submit the application fee
- Take the receipt from the RTO
Once the verification is done, a duplicate LC will be sent to the registered address through post. The fee for obtaining a duplicate DL is usually Rs 200, however, this can vary depending on the state.